Rearranging the Order of Ingredients for a Recipe
When you're editing a recipe, the default order for ingredients is the order in which you added them. Usually that's fine, but sometimes you want to switch it up. Maybe you want them ordered by when they go into the recipe, or maybe you want to group ingredients by type, or maybe you have something else you want to see.
Drag and Drop
You've always been able to rearrange ingredients on the Edit page of a recipe by dragging them into the order you want. (To do that, just click on the ingredient you want to move, hold it, and drag it a row up or down.) This process works well when you're thinking about an order that's specific to your recipe.
Order By Weight
If you know that you want to have your ingredients ordered by weight (the way they'll show up in your ingredient list), then dragging ingredients around one by one is a pain! So we've made it easy to get that result with one click.

Rearrange by weight with just one click.
The heading for the "Grams" column is clickable (and underlined), and, when you click it, the ingredients will automatically rearrange themselves by descending weight. And of course you can always rearrange the list again by clicking and dragging.
So now you have one more way to customize your recipe information. Try it out and let us know what you think and if you have any other ideas!